Ambiverted copywriting

Adam Grant of the Wharton School tracked the sales of more than 300 people (both men and women) who worked for an outbound call center. It turns out that ambiverts (people who are more or less equal parts extroverted and introverted) would perform best – out-earning introverts by 24 percent and extroverts by 32.

“The ambivert advantage stems from the tendency to be assertive and enthusiastic enough to persuade and close, but at the same time, listening carefully to customers and avoiding the appearance of being overly confident or excited,” Grant said.

Now, this is a copywriting blog so what’s the lesson? I guess there are many but one that comes to mind is this. Your sales copy needs to be neither too enthusiastic or overly casual nor too corporate or reserved in tone.

Copywriting that sells is copywriting that connects with people. That’s why all great copywriters are great researchers. They take the time to get in tune with their market before they even write a single word of copy. And they understand how to be ‘enthusiastic enough to persuade and close’ and move people to action.

Bottom line…

Ask yourself: Is your sales copy too introverted or perhaps overly extroverted? Maybe it’s time to get it to be a little more ambiverted–copywriting that exudes traits from both sides of the personality spectrum. Food for thought.